Jumat, 14 Maret 2014

March 14 2014, "The day that I'm waiting for 2 years"

The day that I'm waiting for 2 years is coming. welcome " Magister Teknik" candidate....there will be "M.T" title in the end of my name.

" Mufna Mubdiatun Nida, S.Sos, M.T"

One step closer to the graduation. Thanks To: 
1. God.. Allah SWT.. You never sleep. Always guide my step in every part of my life. 
2. My lovely parents, Drs. Muh. Muflihan & Dra. Siti Junnah...my endless love. 
3. My supervisor, Mr. Jawoto Sih Setyono, MDP, your patience make me always move on. 
4. My cousin, Khanivan Kusuma Putra, you're a good friend to jesting with.
5. My friend, Enik Nurhayati...thanks for the support, for your pray, thanks for the "suitcase"
6. My room mate, Yuliarti Dian, thanks for everything. Speechless,  thanks for being patience with me. I'm sorry for my behaviour in the past. I apologize. Really, I,m guilty. Chaiyo yulii.....Ganbate kudasai ....yess you can. Keep moving girl. 
7. My sport activity partner, Amelia Indah Hermawaty.. let's swim mba mel :p
8. Natalia Riza Putri Ayodia, I learn a lot from you. You're so mature and you have a stabile emotion. You're multi tasking too. You're ideal wife and women, I think...your husband is so lucky got you as his wife hahaha...
9. My Batak friend, Puji Astuti Sitorus.. thanks for all...let's have a new hair cut beb 
10. Ertika Nanda, my sharing partner..thanks for your advise when I'm down. Good luck for your study, nda...  :)
11. Rory Asyari, my mood booster in the morning hahaha...
12. My friend in twitter: Sonia Fambayun & Rhe_SH...thanks a lot for the joy and the laugh...we still admire "mas ganteng" right???hahaha
13. My new friend whom I met in UNS (metro TV on campus), mba Yuni dindank what ever your name...it's pleasure to be your friend...you're so cheerful...
14. Great author : Ipho Santosa, Prabu Revolusi, Trinity Traveller. Hanum Salsabila Rais ..your book really inspiring me
15. My Inspiration, Bapak Anis Baswedan. I'm with you, let's rock the election party
16. My "circle" and "ex circle", Ria Pratiwi Kusumastuti, Wilis Sugiarti, Pertiwi, Dewi Chandrawati, mba Dayu Winda, Mba Novita.
17. My indigo's friend, meissara putri.. thanks for all sista. You're really care when other people leave me
18. My old friend, Anik Yunianingsih..thanks a lot
19. My best friend, Dzakiyyah Ulfah...you repair my heart hahahaaaaa....you're the best matchmaker  also..thanks for everything Dzak...(pake Dz)
20. My matchmaker, Dedy Tri Hendratno, you're really genius..the best matchmaker in the world ...you know what I want :D
21.  The last but not the least.. to my future husband, abang Zainuddin Pranoto. Thanks for the support and the joy..